Supervisory Features

Supervisory Features

In order to utilize the supervisory features, you must first have the correct supervisory relationship configured in the Account Settings. For instructions on how an administrator can do so, please see here: Creating Supervisory Relationships


You will now be able to click on the "Ready for Supervision" button once you have finished writing a note for a client appointment. This will be added to your supervisor's To-Do List, so they can review/sign the note. 

First, navigate to the desired appointment to write your clinical note. 
  1. You can do so by clicking on the appointment on the calendar and pressing "Add Note"; 
  1. You can click on the To-Do List tab in the menu bar and navigate to your "Missing Session Notes" tab on the left-hand side. Then, just click "Add Note" next to the desired appointment. 

Once you have written your note, click on the "Ready for Supervision" checkbox in the upper right-hand corner. 

You can view the status of the notes that have been submitted for review by clicking on the "Supervisee Review" tab within your To-Do List. 

Once it has been reviewed/signed by your supervisor, it will be removed from this list. 


You can now view a list of all appointment notes that are awaiting your review within the To-Do List tab in the menu bar. 

Click on "To-Do" and then select the "Supervisee Review" tab on the left-hand side. Here, you will find a list of all appointment notes that have been submitted for review by your assigned supervisees.
  1. You can also use the filters above to narrow down the list for specific supervisees and within specific timeframes. 
You can quickly navigate to the specific appointment notes by clicking on the "Needs Review" button next to each appointment. 

Once you have reviewed the appointment note, you will click the "Sign and mark as reviewed" button in the top right-hand corner, which will populate the signature screen for you to sign off on the note. 

Upon signing the note, it will then be removed from your list of appointment notes that need to be reviewed within the Supervisee Review tab. 
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